Great Times At Claremont Gala!

Some CastAways members joined the parade at Claremont Gala organised by Claremont Park Community Centre last Saturday the 13th of July. Everyone had a great time walking the parade, meeting and greeting their community, including the town crier and mayor. Flyers were handed out and the weather held out for everyone to have a beautiful hotdog on the field. It was great to see so many of the community come out to say hello and crown the beautiful Rose Queen and her King. Bispham CastAways will be back next year for more fun!

COVID-19 Update

A message on COVID-19 from the Trustees

The trustees of Bispham CastAways took the decision to shut it’s doors during the worldwide pandemic to do it’s bit to stop the spread of the disease. This means that all Sunday rehearsals have been cancelled and our next play, “Bed Socks and Blackpool Rock” by Sharon Sinclair, has been postponed. We are actively trying to support our members through this difficult time, especially as we have a number of vulnerable and at risk members as well as some who are key workers. We are ensuring that communication is kept open and many members have been amazing at offering help to those who are in difficulty. We would like to thank all our members and supporters for their understanding and backing during this time and will continue to keep people updated on further developments. Good luck to everyone…

Stay strong, follow government guidance, stay healthy, be kind and supportive to all!

Oh what a night!

All 30 CastAways members and their partners who came out for the NODA North West Region 2 Awards evening on the 29th of February 2020 had a lovely evening, filling a long table with laughter all night. Although the Grand hotel did let the night down with problems encountered with the food, service, bar and access, the CastAways set out to have fun and made the night their own. Still amazed that they had received eight nominations in their first full year with NODA, they clapped and shouted for everyone. Their own Tara Stott did a turn onstage singing for the hundreds who attended, to massive applause. They know how lucky they are to have such an amazing group of talented people and hope to have an even better awards night in 2021!

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