Great Times At Claremont Gala!

Some CastAways members joined the parade at Claremont Gala organised by Claremont Park Community Centre last Saturday the 13th of July. Everyone had a great time walking the parade, meeting and greeting their community, including the town crier and mayor. Flyers were handed out and the weather held out for everyone to have a beautiful hotdog on the field. It was great to see so many of the community come out to say hello and crown the beautiful Rose Queen and her King. Bispham CastAways will be back next year for more fun!

CastAways does Bispham Gala!

On the 16th of July 2022, Bispham Gala restarted after a three year break for COVID. Bispham CastAways took part again, participating in the parade and performing the karaoke finale from Old Boilers. It was a beautifully sunny day and the rose queens and their retinues all looked amazing in their dresses and outfits. The members taking part in the parade met at the gala field for Hayley to glitter up the girls and Sue to stick posters on everyone’s back. Then armed with whistles, bell sticks and our trusty dog mascot, Marley, we took off on the route. There were unfortunate issues with the parade due to the heat but we all made it back and, following the rose queen ceremony, sung our hearts out… despite the fact we are not a musical theatre group. Fun was had by all and we look forward to going into the community again.

CastAways at Bispham Gala

A few of the CastAways at the Gala parade

Saturday 20th of July, despite the wind, saw Bispham CastAways members take to the streets around Bispham and Norbreck in the parade at the Bispham with Norbreck Children’s Gala. A few brave souls then took to the area in front of the Rose Queen crowning stage to tell the people about the group and then sang two songs from their upcoming “Dramatic Tales From History” event on the 9th of September. “Beside the Seaside” and “We’ll Meet Again” showed off the musical stylings of the members, who got a lovely round of applause for their effort. We look forward to participating again next year!

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